2018年全球算命师大赛题目 - 紫微星语


香港出生男命 : 公历1994年11月4日 辰时

Male: 4 Nov 1994, 7:00 – 9:00AM Birth Place: Hong Kong


命例问题提供 : 香港 子平八字 郑智恒师傅

Question provider: Hong Kong, Bazi, Master Chi Hang Cheng



Q1: 此甲戌男命, 以下那个评论合乎命主? (Which of the followings best describes him?)


A 出身富裕家庭, 医学硕士毕业, 在某医院外科手术医生 (Born in a wealthy family, Master of Medicine, Surgical doctor in a hospital.)

B 出身富裕家庭, 大学未毕业, 曾四海流浪一段时期, 后帮助家族做生意 (Born in a wealthy family, did not graduate from University, wandering around for a period of time, then helped his family to do business.)

C 出身贫穷家庭, 硕士毕业, 某会计师楼高级会计师 (Born in a poor family, Master’s degree, Senior accountant in an accounting firm.)

D 出身贫穷家庭, 中学未毕业, 曾犯罪于2014年坐牢三个月 (Born in a poor family, did not graduate from Secondary school, committed a crime in 2014 and was jailed for three months.)


Q2: 此甲戌男命, 于2017丁酉年发生何事? (What happened to him in 2017 (Year of Rooster)?)


A 与女朋友分手, 更发现身体有脂肪肝 (Broke up with his girlfriend, diagnosed with fatty liver.)

B 与女朋友分手, 因酒精影响下而发生交通意外死亡 (Broke up with his girlfriend, died from traffic accident because of alcohol.)

C 因女朋友有了BB, 而在午月结婚, 但在酉月不幸小产 (His girlfriend got pregnant, therefore, they got married in June (Month of Horse), unfortunately, miscarriage happened in September (Month of Rooster.)

D 与女朋友结婚, 向银行借款买下楼房, 三个月后而失业 (Got married with his girlfriend, purchased a property with mortgage, became unemployed after 3 months.)


香港出生女命 : 公历1973年6 月7日 卯时

Female: 7 June 1973, 5:00 – 7:00AM Birth Place: Hong Kong


Q3: 此癸丑女命, 父母, 出身及性格? (Which of the followings best describes her parents, family background and her character?)

A 父母健在, 出身富裕家庭, 性格心急喜交际 (Parents are alive, born in a wealthy family, impatient and sociable.)

B 父母仙逝, 出身富裕家庭, 性格随和, 怕事不喜交际 (Parents passed away, born in a wealthy family, easy-going, fearful, doesn’t like socializing.)

C 父母健在, 出身贫穷家庭, 性格见利忘义而好胜 (Parents are alive, born in a poor family, forget honour at the prospect of profits and aggressive.)

D 父母仙逝, 出身贫穷家庭, 性格乐于助人而节俭自己大方别人 (Parents passed away, born in a poor family, helpful, economical to herself but generous to others.)


Q4: 此癸丑女命的婚姻爱情, 及子女情况如何? (How are her marriage, love life and children?)

A 已婚, 有一个女儿, 丈夫喜欢男人, 命主性取向正常,2004结婚, 婚后一年, 未曾行房 (Married, has a daughter, husband likes men, she has normal sexual orientation, got married in 2004, never had sex with her husband after 2005.)

B 已婚, 没有子女, 命主喜欢女人, 丈夫有小三, 2004结婚,婚后一年, 未曾行房 (Married, doesn’t have children, she likes women, husband has a girlfriend, got married in 2004, never had sex with her husband after 2005.)

C 未婚, 没有子女, 前男朋友喜欢男人, 因而分手, 命主性取向正常 (Single, doesn’t have children, broke up with ex-boyfriend because he likes men, she has normal sexual orientation.)

D 未婚, 虽有一个女儿, 但命主喜欢女人而不结婚 (Single, although she has a daughter, but she didn’t get married because she likes women.)


Q5: 此癸丑女命于2016丙申年发生何事, 而令到命主现在没有工作? (What happened to her in 2016 (Year of Monkey) which led to her unemployment now?)

A 误杀罪成, 现在坐在牢房中而不能工作 (She’s in jail now due to manslaughter, that’s why she can’t work.)

B 因交通意外折伤了左脚而没有工作 (Her left leg was injured due to traffic accident, that’s why she is unemployed.)

C 婚姻爱情问题困扰, 有抑郁病而没有工作 (Got problem with marriage and love, suffering from depression, that’s why she is unemployed.)

D 得了肝癌, 专心养病而没有工作 (Diagnosed with liver cancer, focusing on recovery, that’s why she is not working.)








香港出生男命 : 公历1972年1月26日 卯时

Male: 26 Jan 1972, 5:00 – 7:00 AM Birth Place: Hong Kong


命例问题提供 : 香港 子平八字 林正师傅

Question provider: Hong Kong, Bazi, Master Ching Lam



Q6: 命主一生中, 拥有最多财富, 人生之顶点, 是哪一年? (Which year was his wealthiest year and the peak of his life?)

A 2005

B 2010

C 2012

D 2013


Q7: 命主过去十年的职业是什么? (What was his occupation in the last 10 years?)

A 酒店总厨+西式驱魔人 (Head chef of a hotel and a Western Exorcist)

B 的士司机+风水地师 (Taxi driver and a Feng Shui Master)

C 电影监制+神功师傅 (Film producer and a Shen Gong Master)

D 保险经纪+西式牧师 (Insurance broker and a Western Priest)


Q8: 2014年, 命主身体发生什么变化? (What happened to him in 2014?)

A 因车祸而截肢 (Amputated due to a car accident.)

B 系统性红斑狼疮 (Diagnosed with Systemic lupus erythematosus.)

C 因肥胖而第三期肠癌 (Diagnosed with Third stage colorectal cancer due to obesity.)

D 因心臓问题而中风 (Got a stroke due to heart problems.)


Q9: 命主于那年, 出现小脑纤维化症之病情? (Which year did he get diagnosed with Cerebellar Atrophy?)

A 2018

B 2017

C 2016

D 2015


Q10: 总结命主的一生, 最佳的形容字句? (Which of the followings best describes his whole life?)

A 一生为别人作嫁衣裳 (Worked hard for others but didn’t get any benefit for himself.)

B 平生不留隔夜钱, 今朝有酒今朝醉 (Didn’t have any savings, enjoyed life while he could.)

C 饿风流穷快活, 一生孤独终老 (Find happiness in suffering, lonely all his life.)

D 衣食无忧, 有儿有女, 有田有房 (Nothing to worry about in life, got son and daughter, land and property.)






香港出生男命 : 公历1954年2月5日 巳时 (农历甲午年正月初三巳时)

Male: 5 Feb 1954, 9:00 – 11 :00AM Birth Place: Hong Kong


命例问题提供 : 香港 紫微斗数 天盘计算 乐只君师傅

Question provider: Hong Kong, Ziwei, Master Zi Gwan Lok




Q11 : 命主警界出身,其际遇和处事方式,哪个是对? (He was working in the police force, which of the followings best describes him?)

A 受洋人上司提拔, 于行业内名利双收 (Got promoted by a Western supervisor, gained both fame and fortune in the industry.)

B 虽受洋人上司提拔, 但仍可保持正直, 且处事低调 (Although he got promoted by a Western supervisor, he still maintained his integrity and stayed low key.)

C 得不到洋人上司的提拔, 常常受打压, 郁郁不得志, 得不到名利 (He didn’t get promoted by his Western supervisor, always got suppressed, felt blue and unappreciated, didn’t get any fame and fortune.)

D 虽破案出色, 但得不到洋人上司的提拔, 只可处事低调. (Although he was outstanding in solving cases, he didn’t get promoted by his Western supervisor, he could only stay low key.)


Q12 : 命主对自己仪表的要求,哪个是对? (Which of the followings correctly describes his requirements of his appearance?)

A 不修边幅, 我行我素。 (Doesn’t care about his appearance, he goes his own way.)

B 注意仪表, 喜爱打扮、做作 (Cares about his appearance, loves dressing up, artificial.)

C 爱买便宜货色, 纵然款式过时。甚至不介意穿别人的旧衣裳 (Loves to buy cheap things although they’re old fashioned, doesn’t mind wearing other’s old clothes.)

D 打扮平实, 整齐洁净 (Plain, neat and tidy.)


Q13 : 命主哪个大限丧父?(When did his father pass away?)

A 1957—1966

B 1967—1976

C 1977—1986

D 1987—1996


Q14 : 命主于虚龄34至44的丙子运间;辞掉警务处工作, 并转为买卖古董和艺术品。客人主要为海外人士。下述哪年, 最为行运? (He resigned from the police office and switched to buying and selling antiques and art when he was 33 – 43 years old. Which of the following years was his best year?)

A 1989年2月4日—-1990年2月4日 (己巳年) (Year of Snake)

B 1991年2月4日—-1992年2月4日 (辛未年) (Year of Goat)

C 1992年2月4日—-1993年2月4日 (壬申年) (Year of Monkey)

D 1993年2月4日—-1994年2月4日 (癸酉年) (Year of Rooster)


Q15 : 命主的正室, 替命主怀上了第一胎。唯于同年;却发生事故,而令BB未能出世。事情的发生时间是在哪一年? (His wife got pregnant with his first baby, in the same year, their baby didn’t come to this world due to some accident. Which year did that happen?)

A 1977

B 1978

C 1980

D 1982




马来西亚出生男命 :公历 1960年 5 月 29日 亥时 (农历五月五日亥时)

Male: 29 May 1960, 21:00 – 23:00 PM Birth Place: Malaysia



Q16 : 命主学历及其性格? (What’s his education background and character like?)

A 文盲, 内向怕事 (Illiterate, introverted, fearful.)

B 高中毕业, 好胜自我 (Graduated from High School, aggressive and self centered.)

C 大学毕业, 谦虚自律 (Graduated from University, humble and self-disciplined.)

D 硕士毕业, 随和喜交际 (Master’s degree, easy going and sociable.)


Q17 : 此命于那年结婚, 同年儿子出生? (Which year did he get married and his son was born?)

A 1985

B 1986

C 1987

D 1988


Q18 : 此命有四名儿子一名女儿, 以下是其四名子女出生之年, 那年是女儿出生? (He has 4 sons and 1 daughter, his children were born in the following years, which year was his daughter born in?

A 1989

B 1990

C 1991

D 1993


Q19 : 此命于那年患癌? (Which year did he diagnose with cancer?)

A 2009

B 2011

C 2013

D 2015


Q20 : 命主现有的事业成就及其钱财, 那个正确? (Which of the followings best describes his career and his wealth?)

A 打工月薪马币5千, 身家清寒, 无储蓄 (Normal employee, monthly salary MYR $5000, poor, no savings.)

B 政府部门职员, 月薪马币2万, 身家马币50万 (Works in the government, monthly salary MYR $20,000, Net worth MYR $500,000.)

C 白手兴家, 建筑材料贸易商, 身家土地及房产, 马币5千万 (Set up his own business, building materials trader, Net worth MYR $50,000,000 including land and properties.)

D 继承家事, 小园主, 土地价值马币5百万 (took over the family business, plantation owner, the land value is MYR $5,000,000.)




命例问题提供 : 台湾 子平八字 陈开通师傅

Question provider: Taiwan, Bazi, Master Chan


Q21: 此命的出身家庭及学历文化? (What’s her family and education background?)

A 出身富裕家庭, 大学毕业 (Born in a wealthy family, graduated from University.)

B 出身富裕家庭, 中学未毕业 (Born in a wealthy family, did not graduate from Secondary School.)

C 出身贫穷家庭, 大学毕业 (Born in a poor family, graduated from University.)

D 出身贫穷家庭, 中学未毕业 (Born in a poor family, did not graduate from Secondary School.)


Q22: 此命于那段时间内结婚? (When did she get married?)

A 1955—1959

B 1960—1964

C 1965—1969

D 1970—1974


Q23: 此命的性格与及夫妻感情如何? (What are her character and her relationship with her husband like?)

A 命主性格外向交际缘好, 所以令到夫妻感情不佳 (Outgoing and sociable, which affected her relationship with her husband.)

B 命主性格外向交际缘好, 而且令到夫妻感情信任和谐 (Outgoing and sociable, her relationship with her husband is good and they trust each other.)

C 命主性格内向交际缘不佳, 而且令到夫妻感情不佳 (Introverted and unsociable, which affected her relationship with her husband.)

D 命主性格内向交际缘不佳, 所以令到夫妻感情信任和谐 (Introverted and unsociable, her relationship with her husband is good and they trust each other.)


Q24: 此命丈夫的寿命与及丈夫的身材如何? (How long did her husband live for and how was his figure like?)

A 丈夫不足50岁寿命, 丈夫的身材肥胖高大 (180cm以上) (Her husband passed away before 50 years old, he was fat and tall [Over 180cm].)

B 丈夫不足50岁寿命, 丈夫的身材瘦削矮小 (170cm以下) (Her husband passed away before 50 years old, he was skinny and short (Under 170cm).)

C 丈夫80岁寿终正寝, 丈夫的身材肥胖高大 (180cm以上) (Her husband passed away at 80 years old, he was fat and tall [Over 180cm].)

D丈夫80岁寿终正寝, 丈夫的身材瘦削矮小 (170cm以下) (Her husband passed away at 80 years old, he was skinny and short [Under 170cm].)


Q25: 此辰戌丑未之女命, 以下那个答案来形容是为合适? (Which of the followings best describes her?)

A 台湾政治界举足轻重的风云人物 (She’s a highly influential person in Taiwan’s political community.)

B 一间国际贸易的上市公司老板 (She’s a boss of an international listed trading company.)

C 黑社会的大家姐, 死于牢狱之灾 (She’s a boss of mafia, she died in prison.)

D 平民百姓 (She’s an ordinary person.)








香港出生女命 : 公历1993年8月17日 16:00申时

Female: 17 Aug 1993, 16:00PM Birth Place: Hong Kong



命例问题提供 : 香港青术会代表 奇门遁甲 傅梓量师傅

Question provider: Hong Kong, Qi Men Dun Jia, Master Goran Fu from Hong Kong Junior Fengshui Master Association


Q26: 此命幼年(十岁内)出身家庭富裕程度 (What was her family background when she was under 10 years old?)

A 贫穷欠债, 父母仙游 (Poor and in debt, parents passed away.)

B 草根基层, 父母健在 (Grassroot, lower social class, parents were alive.)

C 中产家庭, 父母仙游 (Middle-class family, parents passed away.)

D 富裕家庭, 父母健在 (Wealthy family, parents were alive.)


Q27:此命学历程度如何? (What’s her education background?)

A 小学程度, 因健康理由而不能上课 (Primary school, couldn’t attend classes due to health problem.)

B 中学程度, 中途退学 (Secondary school, dropped out of school halfway.)

C 大学毕业 (Graduated from University)

D 博士毕业 (Graduated with a Doctoral degree)


Q28:此人性格特征? (What’s her character like?)

A 暴躁野蛮 (Irritable and brutal)

B 刻薄无情 (Mean and heartless)

C 温柔善良 (Gentle and kind)

D 骄傲自大 (Arrogant)


Q29:此人于2016年7月的那项感情运程描述为正确? (Which of the followings best describes her love life in July 2016?)

A 发现男友有第三者, 竟然是男性, 无奈分手 (She discovered that her boyfriend had an affair with a man, broke up helplessly.)

B 发现男友有女第三者, 气愤下而剪断他子孙根 (She discovered that her boyfriend had an affair with a woman, she angrily cut off his penis.)

C 跟男友结婚 (Got married with her boyfriend)

D 跟男友吵架 (Quarreled with boyfriend)


Q30:此人于2017年发生何事? (What happened to her in 2017?)

A 破产欠债 (Bankrupted and in debt)

B 得到横财800万港元 (She won $8 Million Hong Kong Dollars)

C 坐牢 (In prison)

D 普通打工 (Average worker)




香港出生女命 :公历 1961年 3 月 25日 午时 (农历二月九日午时)

Female: 25 Mar 1961, 11:00AM – 13:00PM Birth Place: Hong Kong



命例问题提供 :香港 子平八字 丘智伟老师

Question provider: Hong Kong, Bazi, Master Chi Wai Yau


Q31:命主祖辈以及父母家庭背景? (What are her grandparents and her parent’s background like?)

A祖辈富裕, 而父母贫穷 (Her grandparents were wealthy, but her parents were poor.)

B祖辈贫穷, 而父母富裕 (Her grandparents were poor, but her parents were wealthy.)

C祖辈富裕, 而父母同样 (Both her grandparents and parents were wealthy.)

D祖辈贫穷, 而父母同样 (Both her grandparents and parents were poor.)


Q32:命主虚龄14-23岁时, 其家庭关系如何? (How was her relationship with her family with she was 13- 22 years old?)

A 与哥哥们生活 (She was living with her elder brothers.)

B 离家出走居住 (She ran away from her family.)

C 被养父母收养 (She was adopted by her foster parents.)

D 家庭幸福美满 (She had a very good relationship with her family.)


Q33:命主个性及学历情况如何? (What are her character and her education background like?)

A. 义气豪爽, 不平则鸣 (小学毕业) (Loyal and bold, she will cry out against injustice, graduated from Primary school.)

B. 自私自利, 防卫性强 (中学毕业) (Selfish, defensive, graduated from Secondary school.)

C. 资质愚笨, 勤奋补救 (大专毕业) (Stupid, hardworking, graduated from college.)

D. 爱好学习, 读书有成 (大学毕业) (Loves studying, good at academics, graduated from University.)


Q34:命主滥药问题以及肾病, 多次进出医院, 于那个时段发生? (She was admitted to hospital many times due to drug addiction and kidney disease, when did that happen?)

A 1974—1983

B 1984—1993

C 1994—2003

D 2004—2013


Q35:命主的丈夫受伤进了医院而且更惹上官非, 发生于那个年份? (When did her husband get injured, admitted to hospital and also involved in a lawsuit?)

A 2014年10月 (Oct 2014)

B 2004年10月 (Oct 2004)

C 1994年10月 (Oct 1994)

D 1984年10月 (Oct 1984)






香港出生女命 : 公历1958年4月16日 未时

Female: 16 Apr 1958, 13:00 – 15:00PM Birth Place: Hong Kong



命例问题提供 : 香港 子平八字 方荣师傅

Question provider: Hong Kong, Bazi, Master Wing Fong


Q36 : 命主出生背景? (What’s her family background?)

A 家境清贫, 母亲病重 (Poor family, mother was seriously sick.)

B 家境富裕, 父亲病重 (Wealthy family, father was seriously sick.)

C 家境清贫, 送给他人养育 (Poor family, she was raised up by the others.)

D 家境富裕, 父母要出外工干, 婆婆养育凑大 (Wealthy family, parents had to work in overseas, raised up by her grandmother.)


Q37 : 命主父亲死于那一年? (Which year did her father pass away?)

A 1972

B 1973

C 1976

D 1978


Q38 : 1988年发生何事? (What happened in 1988?)

A 发生意外要做手术 (Had an operation due to an accident)

B 婚姻有第三者追求 (She was married but she had an affair)

C 结婚 (Got married)

D 犯了罪, 官非缠身 (Committed a crime, got involved in a lawsuit.)


Q39 : 命主现在婚姻状况? (How’s her marriage?)

A 无结婚, 无儿女 (Did not get married, no children.)

B 有结婚, 无儿女 (Married, no children.)

C 一次婚姻, 一子一女 (Married once, got 1 son and 1 daughter.)

D 二次婚姻, 一子一女 (Married twice, got 1 son and 1 daughter.)


Q40 : 命主现今状况? (How’s her life now?)

A 孤独一人, 生活艰苦 (Single, lonely, hard life.)

B 看破红尘, 佛堂工作 (See through the vanity of the world, working in a Buddhist temple.)

C 丈夫子女同住, 生活安稳 (Living with husband and kids, life is smooth and steady.)

D 与他人同居, 生活平淡 (Living with her partner, life is common.)



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